Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The fastes horse of Austria

Last week I became a cowboy. We went riding in the beautiful countryside right at the boarder to czech republic - former Iron Curtain between the east and west...
Unfortuntely no one made pictures when we were jumping over fences and were riding in full gallop over the plains of the Muehlviertel - next time.

And most important: heels down!!!


Anonymous said...

I like your swether and your hairstyle.
Whos the girl?
Cri cri

Flo Flo said...

Yes, nice sweater. I wore exactly the same stuff on Kilimanjaro.
Heheh, Justin wanted to buy this warm sweater made of warm Austrian sheeps on Kili because his American designer clothes might look fancier but they are not so cozy...

The girl is Ali, one of the 14 year old girls that belog to the ranch. There is no exciting story about her...