Saturday, September 16, 2006


I thought I was prepared to find Lovisa's home when I arrived at Vadstena with my printout from the Internet Routeplanner - I wasn't. So Lovisa, Blondie and Micke (sorry if this is not the way to spell your name. All I know is that it's almost pronounced as mycket) picked me up at the Vadstena castle. After a hot shower I felt as good as new though I was traveling since three am (for 16 hours) and the party could begin!
First traditional dinner with potatoes, smöre, fish and a lot of other nice things I can't remember.
One important part of celebrating Midsommar seemed to be the amount of alcohole that had to be drunken. Also the songs we had to sing before emptying a glass were very important. I didn't understand a word but I could keep up with the natives in both singing and drinking.
At around11pm it was still bright sunshine we went to the castle to dance around a special cross that was a symbol of a penis?!?! (that's what they told me) and sang songs of frogs that don't have ears and tails and pigs that have ears and tails. Very Swedish!!!
Later that night Micke showed lots of interest in German words and wanted to hear all the cool words - it's all about the words you know.
There is even a tradition for dreaming on that day. When you jump over seven fences, pick seven different flowers and put them under your pillow you will dream of your future wife or husband...

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures that day but I'll add pictures of Klara and Micke and the traditional Midsommar cross (midsommarstang).

I don't have pictures of Ida and Emma - why not? If you have pictures of them send them to me. Asante


Flo Flo said...

wow, you are a lucky guy! go on earn money!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm so happy to finally read about your Scandinavian adventure, keep up the good work!:)