Thursday, March 23, 2006

Camps Bay and Mario Steinoecker

This day started very slowly because I was soo hangover from yesterday's night. I went out with Danni from Manchester. We just wanted to drink some beer but this guy didn't stop drinking. It's amazing how much he could drink even for Austrian or Norwegian standards. Of course I couldn't just stop drinking and go to bed - actually why not?
So after curing my headache I went to a beautiful beach near Cape town - Camps bay. I front of you you have clear blue water from the Atlantic ocean, behind you is Table mountain and in between a beautiful white sand beach. So I was lying there in the sun resting my aching body watching some guys playing beach volleyball. Hell they knew how to play that game! And then I recogniced one of them - Mario Steinoecker number 14 in the Austrian ranking. Later in the hostel I heard that the other guys probably were from the German national team. What a nice day! (They guy on the picture with the orange shorts is Mario)


Anonymous said...

On msn-blog u go to statistics when u're editing ur blog. I don't know how it works on this.. Yeye, what's up? Really wanna b in SAfr with u!! I could have helped u in drinking that man under the table;)

I'm at my mums for a week or two, ain't got no money, ain't got a job.. And have a ton of papers to write. Don't get anything done in Trondheim!
Gonna go skiing with my brother now:) It's really nice eastern-weather out now!

This is the longest comment I've ever written.

Anonymous said...

and mario steinbecker is ranked 14 in what?

Anonymous said...

by the way: easter-weather, not eastern.. haha, what a mistake, haha..

Flo Flo said...

Mario Steinoecker is of course 14th in beach volleyball. great player and always practicing in the Parkbad / Linz - the open air bath I always use to go to.

Anonymous said...

my, i do love your photographs! luf